In a previous life, Jesse designed industrial path planning algorithms for robots. Now he makes video games to teach and participate in science. At the CRI in Paris he designed RedWire to enable developers to remix and reshape games.
Workshop details (the workshop will be held with Alexandre Vaugoux):
Title: RedWire - Rewire your Games
Date: Apr 11, 11:40 am
Description: Why build games from scratch when you can repurpose ones that already exist? RedWire is an open source online game engine that allows you mix up parts of games like Legos, and put them together in creative ways. RedWire also features some fantastic live coding and debugging tools to help you prototype new games fast. In this workshop, we’ll teach you how to use the platform, and then have a short competition to see what kind of crazy mashups you can come up with.
Length: 120 minutes.
Takeaways: Learn how to remix games. Prizes for the competition.
Intended audience: Game designers and developers.
Experience level: Javascript experience is helpful.
Tools participants should bring: A computer with the Chrome browser installed.
Maximum number of participants: 20.