Walt The Frog?! Against Mutant Killer Bees from Outer Space

Nutritious Games (DE)

Title Walt The Frog?! Against Mutant Killer Bees from Outer Space Genre Sidescrolling Eat'EmUp

Description Walt The Frog?! is a sidescroller for iOS and Android about a bad-tempered frog that fights an invasion of mutant killer bees. The player uses Walt’s tongue like a slingshot to eat his enemies and the device’s tilt control to dodge their attacks. All comes rolled up in a fully voiced story enfolding across 5 worlds, each guarded by a screen filling endboss.

Project Website http://www.nutritiousgames.com/games.html

Technical Data Platform Android iOS Requirements iOS6.0 (iPhone4S or higher) Android 4.0.x

Group Type Company Nutritious Games

Website http://www.nutritiousgames.com Facebook www.facebook.com/NutritiousGames