Team Schadenfreunde (DE)
Title Lux³ Genre Platformer
Description As a light in a cubic armor you roll through cuboid worlds in order to drive back the darkness. The Unity3D-Engine provides the basis for this exciting 3D platformer and brings the adventure to life on mobile devices. In Lux³ you’re playing a light within its cubic armor. You roll and jump through cuboid worlds in order to drive back the darkness. Lux³ is the 3rd semester project of the student team Schadenfreunde from the Games Academy. The Unity3D-Engine provides the basis for this 3D platformer and brings the adventure to life on mobile devices.
Project Website
Technical Data Platform PC Android iOS Requirements Windows XP SP2 or later, Graphics Card with DirectX9 capabilities, Any card made since 2004 should work. 1 GHz CPU. 512mb or more RAM.