Tinnitus Games (DE)
Title Reperfection Genre Interactive Comic Novel
Description REPERFECTION a new indie adventure series in the style of an interactive graphic novel. You unlock new panels and pages of the game by solving different puzzles. By doing so you influence the events in the past and change the future reality, discovering more and more about the exciting storyline.
Project Website http://www.tinnitus-games.de Technical Data Platform PC Android Requirements Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7; Graphics card with DirectX 9.0 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; 2GB RAM; CPU: 1.66 GHz or more; 1GB Free Hard Disk Space Audio: DirectX 9.0 compatible
Group Type Company Tinnitus Games
Website http://www.tinnitus-games.de Facebook__www.facebook.com/TinnitusGames __Twitter twitter.com/#!/TinnitusGames